Let's Imagine
Busting Myths
Active & Passive income
Module Resource - 1
The success story of Porinju Veliyath
Module Resource -2
Rapid Recap
Module resource -3
Test : Module 1
Post Module Resources -1
Svatah Education Foundation
This course introduces you to the world of finance by busting some super crucial myths, followed by some basic concepts like tracking, budgeting and then ends on a high note with SMART financial goals
Module 1: Introduction: Busting Myths
Module 2: How to track expenses
Need for financial tracking
Importance of financial tracking
How to track expenses?
Module Resource - 1
Categories of expenses
Rapid Recap
Module Resource - 2
Test : Module 2
Post Module Resource - 2
Module 3: How to Spend Less to Save More?
Let's track
Needs and wants
Module Resource - 1
Importance of saving
Rapid Recap
Test : Module 3
Post Module Resources - 3
Module 4: Why & How to Make a Budget?
What's a budget?
Why budgeting?
Module Resource - 1
When to make a budget?
Tools for budgeting
Module Resource -2
Rapid Recap
Test : Module 4
Module 5: How to Set SMART Financial Goals?
What drives us?
What are financial goals?
Making SMART financial goals
Module Resource - 1
Importance of SMART goals
Module Resource - 2
Rapid Recap
Test : Module 5
Post Module Resources - 5